Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I know I haven't posted anything since February, and I feel bad about that. But life will go on. So . . . here's one "catch-up" post of mostly pictures. Josh will get home in ONE MONTH!!!!!!! and I am leaving for Lawton June 10. Josh and I are planning to take a three-week leave the last part of July - Aug. Don't know the exact dates, but we will be leaving Sophia for 5 days with Grandma and Opa, spending a week with family, and then spending one week driving back to Lawton from Tacoma; truck, trailer, baby, puppy and all! :=)

Sophia has been crawling for two months and is now beginning to stand up all by herself. No steps yet, but that's ok, because Mommy wants Daddy to get to see that milestone. One month ago she FINALLY got two bottom teeth! So she's not toothless anymore, but those two are all she has - at 10 months! Don't know her current weight and height, but at her 9 month check-up a month ago she was about 18.5 lbs and just under 29 inches long. She was in the 50% for both. She eats great, and is finally sleeping without screaming herself to sleep. Don't know if there is anything more gut-wrenching or painful to listen to than that, but I'm so thankful I was able to tough it out (with Mom's help, of course).


My first swing!

Mommy and Sophia at the park.

All dressed up for Mother's Day!

Irresistible grin!

Mommy didn't put my hat on crooked, but it's too big for me, so that's just the way it ended up! Mommy thought it was pretty cute, and I obliged for the camera.


Grandma and Sophia have matching outfits!

Aunt Jana and Sophie at the Daffodil Parade

Sophia in New York, in a spring outfit for the first time! (Nice tongue, Cutie!)

Laura with Nala at Adam and Meredith's house.


Opa and Sophie share a snuggle.

You better lower this crib, Mommy, because I can stand up all on my own now!!!
Easter dress and Easter lamb


Valentine's Day at Geoff and Mindy's

What a grin for the camera!