Today Sophia had her two month check up and I'm happy to report that she's PERFECT! No, really, the doctor said she was doing great. It's always fun to hear that from a doctor. Honestly, she's been a delight the last couple of days - no screaming, just lots of happy smiles, cooing, and only gentle fussing when she was hungry or tired. I told Mom today that her cries are so much more expressive now and it's much easier to know what she wants. It's hard to explain, but maybe someone else understands . . .
CURRENT STATS at 9 weeks: 11lbs 14 oz (75 percentile) and 22 1/2 in long (50 percentile). Oh, and have I mentioned that she's been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old? Yes, I know I'm bragging here, but it "just happened" like the book
Baby Wise (recommended by Barbara-Lee) said it would. So I no longer dread the evenings, but actually look forward to them. And I'm spoiled because I'm getting plenty of sleep and have even had time to do things in the morning before she gets up!

Things are going well; I miss Josh of course, but we email every day and talk fairly often. In one more month, we'll be at the halfway point! I can't believe it!! Today I purchased a plane ticket to Lawton! I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone back there. And showing off Sophia, of course!
Enjoy the pictures!

Yes, I had to throw in some pictures of Mocha. She mostly just ignores Sophia, but once in a while, she'll sniff her. I'm looking forward to when Sophia will actually notice Mocha in return! One very neat thing I learned this week was that Sophia is the SPITTING IMAGE of her daddy!!!! I thought that was so cool, and neat, and special. Several people have told me she looks like him, and I agreed, but I really just thought it was "kind of", after all, she's a girl and a baby, and he's a grown man. But . . . his mom brought out his baby pictures this week and showed me and I was speechless. They look identical! I just think it's really neat to see that family
resemblence! (But her hair is getting redder - still blondish, but with much more red than when she was born. Plus, she has my hairline, so she's a good mix of the two of us!) So, as soon as I get Josh's baby pictures scanned, I'll post a comparison!!!